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When was ATN founded?

ATN was formed and began operations in June 1987.

When did ATN go public?

ATN became a public company in November 1991.

What year was ATN incorporated and in what state?

ATN was originally incorporated in Delaware in August 1989.

Where is ATN stock traded?

ATN is traded on the NASDAQ Global Select Market under the symbol "ATNI".

Has ATN had any stock splits?

In connection with the spinoff of Emerging Communications, Inc., from ATN on December 30, 1997, ATN had a 1:2.5 reverse stock split. On March 31, 2006, ATN had a 5-for-2 stock split.

How can I invest in ATN?

ATN's common stock can be bought or sold through a stockbroker or financial institution that offers brokerage services.

Does ATN pay a cash dividend?

Yes, ATN has paid a quarterly cash dividend since 1999. Our Board has and will continue to evaluate if, when, and in what amounts a dividend will be paid, by balancing the anticipated needs of the business for capital, the ability of the business to generate earnings and the most effective means to enhance shareholder value in the light of current business circumstances.

Does ATN have a DRIP plan?

ATN does not have a dividend reinvestment program (DRIP) plan.

Does ATN have a direct stock purchase plan?

No, ATN does not have a direct stock purchase plan. Shares of ATN can be purchased through your stock broker or stock purchase service of your choice.

What is ATN's CUSIP number?

ATN common stock CUSIP number is 00215F107.

Who is ATN's stock transfer agent and how do I contact them?

Mailing Addresses

Shareholder correspondence should be mailed to:

P.O. Box 30170
College Station, TX 77842-3170

Overnight correspondence should be sent to:

211 Quality Circle, Suite 210
College Station TX 77845

Shareholder website

Shareholder online inquiries:

Phone: 1 866 230 2916

Where are my stock certificates?

Most ATN shareholders hold their stock in "Street Name" (i.e. their broker) and do not receive stock certificates. If you would like to request a stock certificate be mailed to you, contact your broker or Computershare using the contact information listed above.

Who do I contact about replacement of stock certificates?

Please contact Computershare using the contact information listed above.

What is ATN's fiscal year?

The Company's fiscal year begins on January 1 and ends on December 31. By quarter:

First Quarter: January 1 – March 31
Second Quarter: April 1 - June 30
Third Quarter: July 1 - September 30
Fourth Quarter: October 1 - December 31

Who are the financial analysts that follow ATNI?

Please go to our section entitled "Analyst Coverage" for a listing of those firms and analysts that cover ATNI.

Who is ATN's Independent Auditor?

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
101 Seaport Blvd.  
Boston, MA 02110

Who is ATN's outside Legal Counsel?

Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
One Federal Building
1 Federal Street
Boston, MA 02110

Who are the members of ATN's Board of Directors?

Please see the list and biographies of our Directors in the "Board of Directors" section of our website.

What are the Committees of the Board of Directors and does each Committee have a written charter?

The Board of Directors has established four standing Committees: the Compensation Committee, the Audit Committee, the Investment Committee and the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee. The Charters for each of these Committees can be found in the "Corporate Governance" Section of our website.

Who can I contact about specific investor relations issues?

If you are unable to find the information you are looking for about ATN on this website, you may contact:

Justin Benincasa
Chief Financial Officer
Tel: 978-619-1300

Where can I get access to ATN's Financial and other SEC reports?

Please go to our website section entitled "SEC filings".

How do I join a mailing or conference call distribution list?

To be added to our distribution lists, you may complete our Information Request form located here.

When is ATN's next earnings release?

The dates for earnings releases are posted on the Investor Events section of the Financial Information link.